The spacious site means we can accommodate large crowds too.Families can get involved in backfilling ash interment plots.By involving children, they see that death is part of the cycle of life.Children can plant bulbs.A hand print paper wreath made by a customers grandchildren.Winter Snowdrops.Natural bird feeders.A charity walk at Muchwood in memory of one of our customers.We welcome dog walkers too.A small family gathering for an ash interment.The grass is kept trimmed when no wildflowers are blooming.Non-religious graveside services can be held instead of a church service.We leave the wildflowers to grow in the summer.We cut paths in the long grass and wildflowers to see the name plaques.Beautiful sunset at Muchwood.A peaceful evening at Muchwood.A funeral wreath made from vegetables for the wild animals.A pathway into the established area.The pathways to the back area of the site.Families getting involved in planting.Bee bombs made by a ladies granddaughter being planted.Funeral directors can be dressed casually to make it more informal.The tree can be planted on the day if available.Families can help plant the tree.
Religious ceremonies are held at Muchwood too.Families can write personal messages on the coffin if they wish.A funeral can be as personal as you choose it to be.